Why i love u guys Foundation?
The i love u guys Foundation provides easy to understand and visual standard response protocols (SRP) free to school districts across the nation. Within our District, all schools will follow the same SRP, allowing us to have a common language and establish a common understanding for how we respond in emergency situations.
Are there any additional safety procedures in place?
Each building practices emergency drills on a regular basis. There will be posters on display in all buildings as a visual to promote these SRPs and a common vocabulary. In addition, we have started tabletop exercises in each building to practice and assess our policies and procedures.
What is A.L.I.C.E. and is VBPS an ALICE district?
As a response to an active threat or intruder, VBPS will implement ALICE as part of the Lockdown protocol. We have spent resources and practice being able to evacuate or run away when safely possible. Lockdown or hiding and securing in place when possible and needed. Counter which is to not be a soft target. Our practices and discussion encourages situational awareness and allows opportunities to discuss responses in a crisis.
If there is an emergency, how will I be contacted?
The district will make every effort to communicate information in a timely manner. We will send out information through text, phone, email, website, and social media. Please make sure that all contact information is kept up to date with your child's school, so that we can always contact you in the event of an emergency.
If I have questions about school safety procedures, whom should I contact?
You should begin by contacting the school principal with any emergency preparedness and crisis response questions. While there will be common terminology and procedures, each school will have specific plans that make sense for that location. You may also contact our Director of School Safety. We welcome all families to learn our safety framework and guidelines.
What does emergency preparedness look like at VBPS?
Comprehensive emergency preparedness plans include how students exit the building during an evacuation. Also, where students would report during a shelter in place drill. It will also include rally points and reunification procedures. Use of school public address/automatic call systems. Please understand that the district collaborates with local law enforcements.
How can I help my school better prepare for emergencies and protect students?
Effective emergency preparedness plans are routinely revisited to identify areas in need of improvement. Be informed about existing plans and procedures. Give school officials accurate contact information for your family. Talk to your children about what to do, where to meet and how to contact you should an emergency situation arise. Find ways to collaborate effectively with school staff and fellow parents and community members to best prepare for emergency situations.
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